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Submission to GDQ One Mechanic Game Jam 6
Camping Trip
A downloadable game
Actual side:
The game is about collecting pieces of wood that randomly spawn across the map. Each piece of wood you collect translates to one point. Zombies will spawn frequently so watch out. You won't get any points for killing a zombie so no need to waste your time. But if you are trigger happy you can kill zombies using your trusty pack of playing cards.
Normal zombies have 5 hit points so you'll have to shoot them 5 times before they get deleted from this plane of existence.
Armless, faceless zombies have 3 hit points.
Lastly are the crawlers with only 1 hit point each.
As a player you move faster than all 3 types of zombies but they can quickly overwhelm you, especially if you turn back.
Movement System:
W, A, S, D for movement.
Left Mouse Button for shooting.
Mouse for aiming.
So pretty much standard controls.
This is officially my first game jam, so many mistakes were made, one of which was trying to use SFML (Really hard to implement Tiled map). I ended up having to restart my entire game using unity. So a week long game jam turned into a 3 day game jam., with a 15 hour cram period. XD. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it.
P.S. My high score is 37 points.
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